Our preparations are proceeding exactly as planned


Press release

Fulda, 12/04/2022

Our preparations are proceeding exactly as planned

Our preparations are in full swing: The RETTmobil exhibition in Fulda is opening its gates in four weeks (11 to 13 May 2022). This trade fair lasts three days and will offer specialists the chance of meeting more than 400 exhibitors from 25 countries.

The organisers of the RETTmobil exhibition are keeping precisely to their timetable. The gates of the site will be opened at 9:00 am on 11 May 2022 and visitors will find a treasure trove of interesting exhibits.

According to Manfred Hommel, Managing Director of Messe RETTmobil International GmbH, at the end of last week: “The first mobile exhibition halls are already complete and we are proceeding step by step. We are keeping exactly to our timetable“.

The exhibition area is now fully occupied, but almost every day we are receiving applications from companies who wish to exhibit at the International Leading Exhibition for Rescue and Mobility. According to Manfred Hommel: “We will see what is possible, but we can’t perform magic”. Aside from the 19 exhibition halls, an extensive outdoor area is available. Our presentations there include practical tests, exercises and demonstrations – such as the use of drones in ambulance services or mountain rescue. In addition, we have the popular off-road course.

In general, Managing Director Hommel considers that the rescue industry is full of optimism. “The companies are happy that they can finally present their products and services at a personal level. On the other hand, digitalisation is important in very many firms. You can rely on the new complete glass fibre network on the site of the trade fair. The RETTmobil exhibition is excellently equipped to make its mark once again throughout the world.”


Photo: Martin Engel



Messe RETTmobil International GmbH
Buseckstraße 16 | 36043 Fulda

+49 661 410 84 05-0
+49 661 410 84 05-4

Tickets for the RETTmobil exhibition are now available ONLINE


Press release

Fulda, 10/03/2022

Tickets for the RETTmobil exhibition are now available ONLINE

IMPORTANT: It is the only way to purchase tickets!

Anyone planning to travel to Fulda for the RETTmobil exhibition should have their ticket with them. There will no longer be a ticket counter at the entrance of the exhibition center.

„For several reasons, we decided to offer tickets via the online ticket shop on our website,” says Manfred Hommel, Executive Director of Messe RETTmobil International GmbH. „Booking tickets online is convenient and easy. Above all, this is intended to avoid long waiting times and queues at the cash registers and entrances, in addition the obligation to provide documentation in times of the pandemic is also met. For the same reason, it is planned to set up another entrance to the exhibition next to the main entrance this year. After all, we still have to live with a pandemic situation that requires certain precautions already in the planning phase of an exhibition“, Hommel asks for understanding.

Day tickets for visitors are available for 20 euros. This includes the use of a free shuttle bus that runs every half hour between the exhibition center and the ICE train station in Fulda (exit in the direction of the city). In addition, around 3,000 free visitor parking spaces are available directly at the exhibition center.

Places in the specialist program can also only be secured online. It doesn’t matter whether you want to take part in further training, workshops or the new format “Meet the Experts” – the only way to get there is via the online ticket shop. Those interested should not hesitate; the number of participants is limited. The complete program can be viewed at www.rettmobil-international.com.



Messe RETTmobil International GmbH
Buseckstraße 16 | 36043 Fulda

+49 661 410 84 05-0
+49 661 410 84 05-4

RETTmobil exhibition 2022: All lights are green


Press release

Fulda, 23/01/2022

RETTmobil exhibition 2022: All lights are green

A good quarter of a year before the start of the RETTmobil exhibition 2022 (11th to 13th May), preparations are going according to plan. Despite the constantly changing Corona situation, the organizers of the international leading exhibition for rescue and mobility are well prepared.  

„We are continuously monitoring the development of the Corona situation and will coordinate all necessary measures with the responsible local authorities“, says Manfred Hommel, Executive Director of Messe RETTmobil International GmbH. „Our overall concept, especially with regard to hygiene regulations, is set up in such a way that we can react immediately to almost all developments. On our part, all lights are green“, says Hommel happily.

The preparations are in full swing. Everything is focused on 11th May 2022, when the RETTmobil exhibition can open its doors again at 9 a.m. for the first time since 2019. Over 400 exhibitors from 25 countries have confirmed their attendance, including from the USA, China and Russia. One focus is traditionally the leading industry representatives from Germany and Europe.

„Several times a week, we still receive inquiries from companies that absolutely want to be represented with a stand at the RETTmobil exhibition”, says Manfred Hommel. „We’ve actually been booked up for quite some time.” The entire team of Messe RETTmobil International GmbH tries to find appropriate solutions for all inquiries.

Visitors can therefore look forward to a highly interesting RETTmobil exhibition. In addition to numerous new products and innovations, there will again be an extensive specialist program. Further training, workshops and the new format “Meet the Experts” as well as demonstrations and the well-known off-road course are in the final stages of planning. More information on this shortly on the Website of the RETTmobil exhibition www.rettmobil-international.com.



Messe RETTmobil International GmbH
Buseckstraße 16 | 36043 Fulda

+49 661 410 84 05-0
+49 661 410 84 05-4

Good prospects for the RETTmobil exhibition 2022


Press release

Fulda, 07/10/2021

Good prospects for the RETTmobil exhibition 2022

„The prospects for the RETTmobil exhibition 2022 are very good“, says with pleasure Manfred Hommel, Executive Director of the Messe RETTmobil International GmbH. Not only the development of the corona situation, but also new agreements behind the scenes give every reason to be optimistic.

„The exhibition is taking place“, Hommel is convinced. For the event period from 11th to 13th May 2022, the Executive Director expects the exhibition center to be fully booked. 96 percent of the space has already been booked. Who still wants to be there, has to decide soon.

Over 400 exhibitors from 25 countries have confirmed their attendance. These include economic heavyweights such as the USA, China and Russia, but also smaller countries such as Latvia and Pakistan. Europe and especially German exhibitors will again be the traditional heavyweight next year. Overall, Manfred Hommel speaks of a „very good” development. Especially after the corona-related cancellation last year, there was almost no backtracking. Almost all exhibitors had immediately rebooked for 2022, according to Hommel.

This sign of confidence puts the exhibition organizers under a certain pressure to succeed. They cannot influence the corona situation on their own, but they can influence the general conditions of the RETTmobil exhibition. „Of course, we will adhere to the hygiene regulations that apply at the time of the event”, assures Executive Director Hommel.

An expansion of the exhibition center will provide more space than before. The city of Fulda is providing up to 10,000 m² adjacent to the previous area. Visitors can reach the area on foot, on which, among other things, the exhibition restaurant will be located. From 2022, there will be two more entrances to the exhibition in addition to the main entrance. This should avoid long waiting times and queues in front of the entrance.

Additionally, fiber optic technology will be available at the exhibition in the future. The previously limited internet quality will no longer be an issue. That alone is necessary in order to be able to implement the planned hybrid events. Several events and lectures are to take place both as presence appointments on site and as a live stream on the Internet.

The exact program for the RETTmobil exhibition 2022 has not yet been determined. The congress timetable is expected to be finalized in the second half of November. Further events are planned to deal in detail with major catastrophic situations such as the catastrophic flood in southwest Germany in 2021 as well as the effects of the corona pandemic on the emergency services and specialist services. Topics such as electromobility in rescue services as well as the possibilities of digitization and artificial intelligence (AI) for civil protection are already firmly planned.



Messe RETTmobil International GmbH
Buseckstraße 16 | 36043 Fulda

+49 661 410 84 05-0
+49 661 410 84 05-4

No RETTmobil exhibition
in 2021


Press release

Fulda, 05/02/2021

No RETTmobil exhibition in 2021

The RETTmobil exhibition 2021 has to be cancelled. The original date from 5th to 7th May of this year is just as impossible to keep as an alternative date at the beginning of June that has meanwhile be planned. The next RETTmobil exhibition will therefore take place in Fulda from 11th to 13th May 2022.

„We, as a trade fair company, as well as the IKR e.V., as the conceptual sponsor, are following the current corona situation very closely and are constantly in close contact with the responsible public authorities“, says Manfred Hommel, Executive Director of Messe RETTmobil International GmbH. „Until recently, we hoped to be able to at least realize the alternative date in June. By the current state, this will not be responsible. Fortunately, the number of infections is declining significantly for some time, that has given us hope. Even the vaccinations, despite the suboptimal start, will certainly bring some relaxation in the next few weeks and months. Unfortunately, it will be too late for us. Also in June, a too few part of the population will be vaccinated to justify such an event as the RETTmobil exhibition. With a heavy heart, we have to announce that the RETTmobil exhibition will unfortunately be cancelled also this year“, says Hommel.

An alternative date at the beginning of June was envisaged in order to gain time and to be able to observe the developments for a little longer. „Our exhibitors and logistics partners need planning reliability. So we had to decide now. In our estimation, it would be irresponsible to hold an event with more than 400 exhibiting companies and tens of thousands of visitors at the moment“, Manfred Hommel explains the decision.

The RETTmobil exhibition is the leading exhibition for the entire rescue at home and abroad. That is one of the reason why we set particularly high standards for ourselves and our responsibility“, explains Hommel. Most of the people who come to us in Fulda are directly confronted with the consequences of the corona pandemic and work on the front lines. Their health needs to be protected, and that’s why we look forward to seeing you again next year when the RETTmobil exhibition will take place in Fulda from 11th to 13th May 2022.



Messe RETTmobil International GmbH
Buseckstraße 16 | 36043 Fulda

+49 661 410 84 05-0
+49 661 410 84 05-4

The President of the German Red Cross e.V., Gerda Hasselfeldt, becomes the patron of the RETTmobil exhibition 2021

Gerda Hasselfeldt

Press release

Fulda, 24/09/2020

The President of the German Red Cross e.V., Gerda Hasselfeldt, becomes the patron of the RETTmobil exhibition 2021

Greetings from the President of the German Red Cross e.V., Gerda Hasselfeldt, regarding the RETTmobil exhibition 2021

The RETTmobil exhibition 2021 is special in two respects: it is the first one since the 20th anniversary of the exhibition in 2020 and it takes place for the first time since the beginning of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Both are reasons to pause and learn from previous experiences. It’s a pleasure for me to become the patron of this international leading exhibition for rescue and mobility in this special year.

What was previously a possible scenario that experts pointed out and prepared for, is suddenly a reality. Everything that characterizes the Civil Protection in Germany proved one’s worth in the current pandemic situation: the experienced interaction of volunteers and employees, the collaboration between the aid organizations as well as with the public health authorities and the German armed forces. All involved persons contribute valuably and confirm thereby that in the federal system a good and successful together is necessary as well as possible.

This is also an occasion to say thanks to all those who work every day to save people’s lives. The RETTmobil is your exhibition: the exhibition for life-savers. The RETTmobil exhibition 2021 will present technical and digital developments. The academic training which will be also available online for the first time, will focus on hygiene and infection protection in rescue.

After the cancellation in 2020 due to the pandemic, I am pleased that under the currently ruling special conditions a trendsetting exhibition with an academic training will be realized and makes possible the personal exchange.

I wish the RETTmobil exhibition 2021 every success!

Gerda Hasselfeldt
President of the German Red Cross e.V.

Gerda Hasselfeldt


Messe RETTmobil International GmbH
Buseckstraße 16 | 36043 Fulda

+49 661 410 84 05-0
+49 661 410 84 05-4

Huge interest in the
RETTmobil exhibition 2021

RETTmobil International

Press release

Fulda, 16/09/2020

Huge interest in the RETTmobil exhibition 2021

The international leading exhibition for rescue and mobility

Intensive work is going on behind the scenes to let the RETTmobil become an international success in the next year. The first signs are more than promising.

„The interest in the RETTmobil exhibition 2021 is extremely high“, says with pleasure Manfred Hommel, Executive Director of the Messe RETTmobil International GmbH which is organizing and executing the event. „We are every day receiving inquiries of companies which want to exhibit in Fulda next year“, says Hommel. More than 240 exhibitors confirmed their participation, therefore Hommel can already look on a very good booking situation. Closing date for exhibitors is 30th November 2020.

The fact that the name RETTmobil International was rightly chosen, gets also confirmed by the interest of the exhibitors from abroad. For many years, companies from all over the world are gladly utilizing the exhibition center Fulda to present their products and services as well as get in contact with experts at the RETTmobil exhibition.

„Companies from Italy, Russia, China and the USA already confirmed their participation at the RETTmobil exhibition 2021“, Manfred Hommel lists examples. More participants from abroad are following. In many countries the economic situation is starting to increase but now after the compulsory break. Therefore, the RETTmobil exhibition from 5th to 7th May 2021 is the first opportunity for the industry to present itself to a large specialist audience on a national and international level. The aid and rescue organizations as well as the fire brigades will also participate at the exhibition.

One thing is certain: Corona will accompany the RETTmobil exhibition 2021. „But then hopefully as an appearance which we can reliably control“, says Manfred Hommel. The hygiene and safety concept developed by the exhibition organization will be discussed with the responsable public authorities in Fulda and adapted to the current situation. In any case, Corona will be thematically a part of the training and symposia. Among other things, the exhibition organization is in contact with the Fulda Clinic for that reason. „Hygiene is very important to us“, assures Hommel, „for the organization of the RETTmobil exhibition as well as thematically for our training and symposia.“

RETTmobil International


Messe RETTmobil International GmbH
Buseckstraße 16 | 36043 Fulda

+49 661 410 84 05-0
+49 661 410 84 05-4